Avery Abraham |
(248) 377-8252 |
Pink Zebra Movingof Farmington |
farmington@pinkzebramoving.com |
Carrie Aeschliman |
(734) 545-7128 |
Independent Bank |
CAeschliman@IBCP.com |
Monica M. Ahrens |
(734) 665-6103 |
Liberty Title Agency |
mahrens@libertytitle.com |
Sheila Austin |
(248) 763-1441 |
Wedgewood Prop. Mgmt. |
saustin@pmgroupinc.com |
Stacy Averill |
(313) 475-7127 |
Averill Coaching & Consulting |
coach@stacyaverill.com |
Michelle Denise Barth |
(734) 994-3476 |
Michelle Barth |
Mdbarth1@gmail.com |
Steven Betel |
(248) 983-5055 |
Next Door Lending |
stevenbetel@nextdoorlending.com |
Bob Blaine |
(734) 215-5811 |
Dynamic Drains |
Bob@DynamicDrains.com |
Joshua Blair |
(734) 669-8000 |
University Lending Group |
JBlair@University-Lending.com |
Andy Blum |
(734) 427-5577 |
Pillar to Post |
Andy.blum@pillartopost.com |
Andrew M. Blum |
(734) 707-6693 |
Pillar to Post Home Inspectors |
Andy.Blum@PillarToPost.com |
Matt Boylan |
(734) 527-4133 |
Northstar Bank |
matt.boylan@northstar.bank |
Rebecca Brooks |
(734) 761-1610 |
State Street Title Agency |
rbrooks@statestreettitle.com |
Thomas Bullard |
(734) 669-8000 |
University Lending Group |
TBullard@university-lending.com |
Mark A. Burmis |
(734) 475-4210 |
Chelsea State Bank |
MBurmis@CSBOnline.com |
Kyle Burmis |
(734) 944-8547 |
Fletcher Inspections, LLC |
Kyle@FletcherInspections.com |
Paula Calopisis |
(734) 482-6099 |
Superior Township |
PCalopisis@Superior-Twp.org |
Adam Cane |
(734) 944-2700 |
HomeTeam Inspec Svc Ann Arbor |
ACane@HomeTeam.com |
Jane E. Carey |
(734) 669-3057 |
Gold Star Mortgage Financial |
Jane@CareyTeamMortgage.com |
Betsy Cavanaugh |
(734) 887-2650 |
Old National Bank |
betsy.cavanaugh@oldnational.com |
Peter Chirco |
(586) 772-7020 |
Chirco Title Agency Inc. |
pjchirco@chircotitle.com |
Rhonda Chmelar |
(734) 206-1800 |
University Lending Group |
rchmelar@university-lending.com |
Alisa Copas, NMLS #28405 |
(248) 264-7089 |
U.S. Bank |
alisa.copas@usbank.com |
Andi Courey |
(248) 977-4182 |
Linnell & Associates, LLC |
ACourey@LinnellFirm.com |
David J. Dalfino |
(734) 427-5577 |
Pillar to Post |
David.dalfino@Pillartopost.com |
Michael J. Damman |
(248) 528-2700 |
A. J. Damman Company |
mdamman@damman.com |
Delanna Dickerson |
(800) 451-4292 |
Credit Union ONE |
delanna_dickerson@cuone.org |
Rebekah DuBois |
(734) 439-8800 |
MoldPro LLC |
RDuBois@MoldProLLC.com |
Eric Dusenbury |
(517) 242-8169 |
Michigan State Housing Develop |
DusenburyE@Michigan.gov |
Ted Edginton, NMLS #502442 |
(248) 809-1074 |
Rate |
tede@rate.com |
Eric M. Esser |
(517) 841-5186 |
TRUE Community Credit Union |
eesser@trueccu.com |
Leslie L. Etterbeek |
(313) 701-0333 |
LR Management Services |
leslie@lrmanagement.com |
Jeff Fletcher |
(734) 944-8547 |
Fletcher Inspections, LLC |
jeff@fletcherinspections.com |
A.J. Franchi |
(734) 669-3057 |
Gold Star Mortgage Financial |
AFranchi@GoldStarFinancial.com |
T. Scott Galloway |
(248) 545-2500 |
Galloway & Hommel, LLP |
scott@gallowayhommel.com |
George Gaves |
(734) 389-8833 |
WIN Home Inspection Ann Arbor |
GGaves@WINI.com |
Kristee Golan |
(248) 639-9759 |
American Home Shield |
kristee.golan@ahs.com |
Tasha Green |
(734) 828-7001 |
Green Titan Management LLC |
tasha@greentitanmanagement.com |
Ashlee Guerrero |
(734) 769-2411 |
GreenStone Farm Credit Serv. |
Ashlee.Guerrero@GreenStoneFCS.com |
John Higgins |
(586) 799-0000 |
Mortgage 1, Inc. |
jhiggins@mortgageone.com |
Michael Hoberecht |
(800) 646-7732 |
inspectormike.com |
Mike@InspectorMike.com |
Jacquie Keefer |
(810) 263-6020 |
Lake Michigan Credit Union |
Jacquie.Keefer@lmcu.org |
David H. Kersch |
(734) 887-2650 |
Old National Bank |
David.Kersch@OldNational.com |
Rita Khan |
(248) 888-4700 |
Associa Kramer-Triad |
RitaKhan02@GMail.com |
Tim Kiefer |
(734) 224-0342 |
InsideOut Inspections Plus |
Tim@InsideOutInspectionsPlus.net |
Michael Kooreman |
(248) 550-6889 |
Eagle Home Financial, LLC |
mkooreman@eaglehomefinancial.com |
Mary Krasny |
(734) 615-6175 |
University of Michigan |
MLKrasny@UMich.edu |
Warsha Kulkarni |
(734) 822-3115 |
Pittsfield Township |
assessing@Pittsfield-MI.gov |
Jennifer Layman |
(313) 316-3343 |
Rite Rug |
jenniferlayman@riterug.com |
Richard D. Linnell |
(248) 977-4182 |
Linnell & Associates, LLC |
RLinnell@LinnellFirm.com |
Carlos Lozano |
(734) 971-2114 |
Farm Bureau Insurance |
CLozano@FBInsMi.com |
Shannon Lucas |
(517) 902-4459 |
Lucas Home Inspections, LLC |
Shane.Lucas.LHI@GMail.com |
Patrick Michael Lyons |
(734) 645-8041 |
The Buyer's Inspector, L.L.C. |
PatrickLyons@Provide.net |
Dmitrii Maksimchuk |
(734) 546-2767 |
Trustwize LLC |
DM@Trustwize.co |
Gerard Markey |
(734) 794-6530 |
City of Ann Arbor |
Assessor@A2Gov.org |
Stephen A. Marrs |
(734) 531-8040 |
First Merchants Bank |
smarrs@firstmerchants.com |
Teri Marshall |
(734) 369-2372 |
Ruoff Mortgage |
Teri.Marshall@Ruoff.com |
Thomas McCalep |
(734) 944-8547 |
Fletcher Inspections, LLC |
Thomas@FletcherInspections.com |
Sharon McRill |
(734) 994-1000 |
The Betty Brigade |
Sharon@BettyBrigade.com |
Tom Meadows |
(734) 994-6500 |
Neighbborhood Roofing Co. Inc |
Tom@NeighborhoodRoofing.com |
Lawrence Miller |
(248) 529-2259 |
First Realty Management |
lmiller@pmgroupinc.com |
Matthew Mozurkewich |
(833) 647-2366 |
Michigan Radon Testing, LLC |
Info@MichiganRadonTesting.com |
Matthew J. Mozurkewich |
(313) 570-1618 |
MD Home Inspections, LLC |
Matt@MD2Inspect.com |
Anne Nauts |
(734) 392-8300 |
Arbor One Mortgage Group |
ANauts@MortgageOne.com |
Pam M. Nesbitt-Reau |
(734) 769-8520 |
Pam M Nesbitt-Reau CPM ARM |
pnr35025@sbcglobal.net |
Chris Olson |
(248) 702-0901 |
Primary Title Agency, LLC |
chriso@primarytitle.com |
Brandon Parrent |
(734) 929-6963 |
Nederveld |
BParrent@Nederveld.com |
Gerry Pazdziora |
(810) 813-6566 |
JW Home Inspection |
GerryWithJW@GMail.com |
Constance E. Pearson-Ramirez |
(734) 662-1600 |
Bank of Ann Arbor |
constance.pearsonramirez@boaa.com |
Alec Perlstein |
(248) 702-0901 |
Primary Title Agency, LLC |
alecp@primarytitle.com |
Jeffrey Peterson |
(734) 944-8547 |
Fletcher Inspections, LLC |
JeffP@FletcherInspections.com |
Dan Phillips |
(810) 813-6566 |
JW Home Inspection |
DanWithJW@GMail.com |
Beth A. Ping |
(517) 853-5122 |
Dart Bank |
bping@dartbank.com |
Erica Powers |
(734) 531-8040 |
First Merchants Bank |
EPowers@FirstMerchants.com |
Ashley Raymond, NMLS #1296041 |
(248) 430-0804 |
U.S. Bank |
ashley.raymond@usbank.com |
Cynthia Reach |
(734) 492-1900 |
Reliant Title Services, Inc. |
CReach@ReliantTitleInc.com |
Ian James Reach |
(734) 994-1400 |
Reach Law Firm |
IJReach@ReachLawFirm.com |
Kevin Reedy |
(734) 417-1273 |
Legacy Mortgage |
kreedy@legacy-mortgage.com |
Nikki Rini |
(313) 643-0846 |
EASE Mortgage |
zachr@transtartek.com |
Ben Robertson |
(313) 456-3323 |
MI State Housing Devel. Author |
RobertsonB1@Michigan.gov |
Jason Robinson |
(734) 462-5430 |
Lake Michigan Credit Union |
Jason.Robinson@LMCU.org |
Mary Ross |
(734) 432-0100 |
Reputation First Title Agency |
mross@rftitle.com |
Andrea Salemi |
(734) 996-0100 |
Builders and Remodelers Assoc |
asalemi@bragannarbor.com |
Alan Samaha |
(586) 843-2702 |
Assured Partners |
alan.samaha@assuredpartners.com |
Luke M. Sasek |
(248) 505-5354 |
Cutco Closing Gifts |
lmsasek@gmail.com |
Samuel Schafer |
(734) 769-2411 |
GreenStone Farm Credit Serv. |
Samuel.Schafer@GreenStoneFCS.com |
David Schilling |
(734) 727-3662 |
National Property Inspections |
david.schilling@npiinspect.com |
Jeremy L. Shaffer |
(734) 436-2712 |
Premier Bank |
JShaffer@YourPremierBank.com |
Bobby Shannon, NMLS #28000 |
(248) 714-7032 |
U.S. Bank |
bobby.shannon@usbank.com |
Kathrine Shepard |
(586) 263-8800 |
MI Schools &Gov't Credit Union |
kshepard@msgcu.org |
Marie Sherry |
(734) 426-8303 |
City of Dexter |
Assessor@DexterMi.gov |
Stephen B. Silverberg |
(734) 368-7711 |
Stephen Silverberg, Photograph |
SilverbergPhoto@GMail.com |
John R. Simpkins |
(734) 531-8040 |
First Merchants Bank |
JSimpkins@FirstMerchants.com |
Renee M. Smith |
(734) 259-0677 |
Title Partners, LLC |
rsmith@mytitlepartners.com |
Kim L. Snyder |
(734) 648-5405 |
Transnation Title Agency, LLC |
Kim@TransMi.com |
Samuel Spang |
(734) 994-2511 |
Washtenaw Co. Equalization |
spangs@washtenaw.org |
Ken Sprinkles |
(734) 741-5858 |
University Bank |
KSprinkles@University-Bank.com |
Patricia St. Lawrence |
(734) 662-1050 |
Absolute Title Agency |
TStLawrence@AbsoluteTitleInc.com |
Eric Stidham |
(248) 843-1991 |
Pillar to Post |
stidhamteam@pillartopost.com |
Johnna Struck |
(248) 674-3937 |
Changing Places Moving |
Johnna@cpMoving.com |